Investment model marketplace
Create and manage globally diversified portfolios utilizing a vast selection of asset allocation models curated by leading managers. Furthermore, facilitate investments in less liquid asset classes through separately managed accounts (SMAs). This comprehensive investment model marketplace empowers financial advisors with the tools they need to provide tailored solutions that span the global market and cater to individual client preferences, all within a single, user-friendly platform.
Content marketplace
Providing financial advisors with the tools to remain informed and current, our professional investment content library is an invaluable asset. It empowers advisors with the most recent model information, product offering specifics, and other third-party content, enabling them to make well-informed decisions in portfolio management for their clients. This comprehensive information repository ensures that advisors base their investment strategies on the most up-to-date data. Moreover, all content chosen by advisors is tagged with a distinct compliance identifier and can be easily shared with their team and clients. This feature fosters the seamless flow of information to clients while maintaining robust compliance oversight.
App Connector marketplace
Our app connector marketplace offers remarkable advantages. First and foremost, it simplifies the complex task of integrating with third-party providers. These app connectors act as pre-built integrations, significantly reducing the need for extensive custom development. App Connectors expand the platform's versatility and advisors can handpick the connectors they require, customizing the platform to align with their specific needs.
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